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Back-to-School Safety: Tips for Bus Riders, Walkers, Teen Drivers, and Cyclists

Back-to-School Safety: Tips for Bus Riders, Walkers, Teen Drivers, and Cyclists

As summer ends, the back-to-school season brings excitement and a flurry of activity. Ensuring the safety of children, whether they are riding the bus, walking, biking, or driving, is a top priority for parents and educators alike. Here are some essential safety tips to help keep everyone safe during their commute to and from school.

School Bus Safety

For Students:

  1. Arrive Early: Get to the bus stop at least five minutes early to avoid rushing, which can lead to accidents.
  2. Stand Back: Stay at least three giant steps (six feet) away from the curb while waiting for the bus.
  3. Board Safely: Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop and for the driver to signal before boarding.
  4. Sit Properly: Sit facing forward and keep the aisles clear of belongings.
  5. Exiting: When getting off the bus, make sure you are visible to the driver and wait for their signal before crossing the street.

For Drivers:

  1. Stop for School Buses: Always stop when you see a school bus with flashing red lights and an extended stop sign. This indicates children are getting on or off.
  2. Be Alert: Watch for children walking or biking to the bus stop.

Walking to School Safety

  1. Use Sidewalks: Always use sidewalks where available. If there are no sidewalks, walk facing traffic as far from the road as possible.
  2. Cross Safely: Use crosswalks and obey traffic signals. Look left, right, and left again before crossing.
  3. Stay Visible: Wear bright or reflective clothing, especially in the early morning or late afternoon.
  4. Avoid Distractions: Put away phones and other distractions to stay alert while walking.

Teen Driving Safety

  1. Follow Speed Limits: Observe all speed limits, especially in school zones where limits are typically reduced.
  2. No Distractions: Avoid using your phone, eating, or other distractions while driving.
  3. Buckle Up: Always wear your seatbelt and ensure all passengers do the same.
  4. Obey Traffic Laws: Follow all traffic signs, signals, and road markings.
  5. Limit Passengers: Follow any graduated driver licensing laws in your state, which may limit the number of passengers for new drivers.

Bicycle Safety

For Cyclists:

  1. Wear a Helmet: Always wear a properly fitted helmet to protect against head injuries.
  2. Follow Traffic Rules: Bicycles are considered vehicles, so follow the same traffic rules as cars. This includes stopping at stop signs and red lights.
  3. Use Bike Lanes: Ride in bike lanes when available. If there are none, ride as far to the right as possible.
  4. Be Predictable: Use hand signals to indicate turns and always ride in a straight line.
  5. Stay Visible: Wear bright or reflective clothing and use lights and reflectors, especially if riding in low-light conditions.

For Drivers:

  1. Share the Road: Be mindful of cyclists and give them plenty of space when passing.
  2. Check Blind Spots: Always check for cyclists before opening car doors or making turns.
  3. Yield to Cyclists: When making turns, yield to cyclists going straight.


The start of a new school year is an exciting time, but it also comes with increased traffic and road activity. My Mechanic can also offer valuable advice to ensure vehicles are in top condition for the new school year. Start by scheduling My Mechanic’s comprehensive Digital Inspection to get a full report on the condition of your vehicle. Remembering the significance of oil changes and routine maintenance to prevent unexpected breakdowns is essential. By following these safety tips, students and drivers can help ensure a safe and smooth transition back to school. Let’s make this school year a safe one!

Michael Larson