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Don’t Let Winter Get in the Way of Your Vehicle and Travel Plans

Don’t Let Winter Get in the Way of Your Vehicle and Travel Plans

It’s November folks and you know what that means. If it hasn’t snowed yet or gone below freezing, it’s just a matter of time before it will.

There is no maybe about tough winters in Chicago and the suburbs, which means that November is the perfect time to prep your car for the upcoming winter.

Did we mention that you may be taking a road trip to visit relatives this Thanksgiving? A great many people are looking forward to seeing family and friends this year more than ever. The last thing you want is to be stranded on the side of the road, waiting hours for a tow truck on the Wednesday before Turkey Day.

Top 5 Winter Car Care Tips 

You can probably find that ice scraper in the trunk or a side compartment but there’s a lot more to winterizing your car than finding that ice scraper.

Some of the best things you can do for your car, truck, or SUV right now include:

  1. Clean Out Those Leaves

No, we don’t mean the leaves out of your rain gutters, but the reasons why you should clear out the leaves, twigs, dead bugs, and other debris are exactly the same.

Your vehicle has certain paths where rain and melting snow can run off of the vehicle and not back up and enter the inside of the vehicle.

If your car has a sunroof, be sure to open it and remove any debris from around the channels where the sunroof glass moves. You should also check the area directly underneath the windshield wipers. You may have to open your hood to see it clearly, but that plastic grate is where you get fresh air to defrost the windshield and it’s a magnet for all types of junk.

Last, be sure to check under the hood for animals who are planning on making your engine area a nest. If you have a truck or SUV with a spare tire mounted underneath, you might want to check that area as well.

  1. Get Those Wiper Blades and Fluids Changed

Wiper blades are super important in the winter months and if you haven’t changed yours this year, it’s probably time to do so.

Some people recommend cleaning the blades with some vinegar or window cleaner but this doesn’t help very much in the long run. If your wiper blades are streaking or if they are hard, brittle, or if the rubber strip is coming off, it’s time to get new ones. Don’t forget those rear wiper blades if your vehicle has one.

You should also get the windshield washer fluid changed to a winter formula if you haven’t already. There are also products designed to de-ice the fluid if you should forget.

  1. Get Your Battery Inspected 

More batteries die in the winter than at any other time. Nothing gives you that sinking feeling stronger than turning the key or hitting the start button and hearing no sound. Ugh.

While you can spot-check the terminals for corrosion, leave it to our team to check the strength of the battery.

Call or go online to set up an appointment to bring it to the pros at My Mechanic. We will be happy to inspect the battery and the charging system. While no one can guarantee how long a battery will last, we can tell you if one of the cells inside the battery is weak or if there is a problem with the charging system.

This inspection doesn’t take very long, and it can save you oodles of time and headaches. If your battery is more than 3 years old, why not call My Mechanic for an appointment right now while you are thinking of it?

  1. Check the Antifreeze

Have you seen the “Flush and Fill” signs yet? These are referring to the antifreeze for your vehicle.

If you’ve followed your car maintenance recommendations, chances are that the antifreeze is just fine, but it never hurts to check and see if the antifreeze is going to be able to take on a Chicago area winter.

This is easy to check for the trustworthy mechanics at My Mechanic.

  1. Check Your Emergency Kit

Everyone who drives a car should have an emergency or survival kit well-stocked and ready to use.

No matter how good you think your roadside assistance program is, a big accident on the Kennedy Expressway means you could be stuck there for hours in freezing temps.

Never let your gas tank go below half in case you need to run the heater in the car while you wait.

Some of the items to keep in your emergency bag include:

  • Space blankets
  • Plastic bags or bottles for gathering snow for water
  • Snacks
  • Phone charger or a backup source of power for your phone
  • A flashlight
  • Paper towels
  • An old rug for traction or if you must lie on the ground
  • Jumper cables or a portable jump starter
  • Flares or reflective triangles
  • If you have room, extra boots, gloves, and a hat

Everyone is different and if you or someone you are traveling with has different needs (medication that must be taken every few hours or an infant that needs formula) be sure to pack a few extra of whatever you or your companion might need.

My Mechanic Can Make Your Winter Safer

Our ASE Certified Mechanics have the time and the knowledge to give your car the winter once-over.

There are plenty of other items that you might want to check, including your tires, the exhaust system and muffler, the air filter, cabin filter, headlights and hazard lights, and many other items. This might sound like a long list of things to be concerned about and it can be quite time-consuming.

The professionals at My Mechanic know all about winter weather and what your car needs to keep it safe and on the road, not on the back of a tow truck!

We will be happy to inspect your vehicle and take care of any repairs or maintenance needs that it may have. Call us or go online today for an appointment and take some peace of mind with you when you take that Thanksgiving trip.

Michael Larson